Wysyłka z lokalnego magazynu w USA/UE/Wielka Brytania. Brak podatku.
WEJŚCIE: 100 V - 240 V, 50/60 Hz
WYJŚCIE: DC 9 - 24 V, 100 - 1000 mA
PRĘDKOŚĆ: 0 - 400 razy na minutę
SPECYFIKACJA MASZYNY: około 14,5 x 7 x 6 cali
1: Zdejmij głowicę (fałszywy penis) z produktu przed użyciem, a następnie nałóż olej.
2: Podczas korzystania z produktu, dla bezpieczeństwa i higieny zaleca się noszenie prezerwatyw, aby doświadczyć.
3: Po użyciu należy użyć wody i mydła antybakteryjnego do czyszczenia prącia, właściwego zachowania.
4: Aby przedłużyć żywotność produktu, proszę zapisać, schłodzić, osuszyć, ukryte miejsce.
Specyficzne kody
perfect product and service
I was impressed by the level of care that a Hismith and employee Sunny. box in perfect shipping shape in a very fast and was contacted with emails upon the gift choice of another set of eyes and hair. There was one issue with the ear that was from it being in shipping and Sunny responded immediately that a new head was being shipped. Most companies do not keep up with emails but Hismith i was thankful for i go thru having anxiety and what was nice is how i was treated by Hismith & Sunny in addressing everything with me. my current mishap i am glad to see quality and trust being established. i wanted to follow up to say that the 165cm is very nice height and movements are to be careful when lifting
I waited a long time for patricia to arrive, i was worried at first as the delivery drivers accidentally dropped her out the back of the van when delivering, but she was fine and i got some money knocked off the price which is good. Anyway, At first i kept patricia around the house and it was lovely, patricia brightens up the room and brother came round and said he loved her. Sadly, the experience soon soured. The first bad experience i had was when me and patricia went out together for the first time. patricia was dressed in a lycra catsuit and i was wearing a mesh onesie, both of which may be considered a tad...umm "risky" but we both looked nice. We decided to go to the cinema to see a movie, on the way there we stopped into a local mcdonalds - the first thing i noticed were the horrible looks we got. People were giving very rude stares and other looks, and i overheard people whispering - typical daily mail reading scum who smash up bus shelters. A woman in a bright pink tracksuit shouted out "perv", and a young couple left the mcdonalds. I was disgusted by the sheer ignorance shown, and i knew it was time to educate these fools - i got up and i made it obvious that i wanted to say something to these low life scum. I made a loud cough and raised my voice "listen here scum - you can all look and laugh at me and patricia here, it shows me something, it shows jealousy" at this point some of the staff approached me - i knew they had a job to do but i wasn't having it, i shoved them away and told them i'd kill them if they came any closer - they knew i was dangerous and wasn't going to risk their lives. "Listen up again, all you low lifes judging us in here are jealous of what we have, and you know what - I'm going to show you" At this point one person had began recording, I didn't care though, i had a point to make. I grabbed patricia and pushed her up against the mcdonalds table...i unzipped my mesh onesie, took out my pocket knife and cut a hole in the crotch of patricias lycra suit - we were ready to show these fools - I got a rock hard erection and took patricia up against the wall of the mcdonalds - i didn't look at the peoples reactions but the manager of the mcdonalds quickly took everyone outside. I came quickly and let out a loud scream of pleasure.