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Versand erfolgt aus lokalem Lager in den USA/EU/UK. Keine Steuer.
➤ WEICHER DILDO: GESAMTLÄNGE: 24,63 cm, einführbare Länge: 19,81 cm, maximale Breite: 4,95 cm.
➤ ENTWICKELT UND HERGESTELLT VON HISMITH: Kompatibel mit allen Premium-Sexmaschinen, die das KlicLok-System verwenden
➤ HOCHWERTIGES MATERIAL: Hergestellt aus lebensmittelechtem Silikon für Langlebigkeit und ein festes und dennoch flexibles Gefühl, phthalatfrei, latexfrei, körpersicher
➤ NICHT PORÖSES MATERIAL, LEICHT ZU REINIGEN: Lassen Sie es vor der Lagerung mit Spielzeugreiniger oder milder Seife und warmem Wasser vollständig an der Luft trocknen
➤ DISCREET PAKET: Kommen Sie mit neutraler Markenfarbbox, keine sensiblen Worte, halten Sie Ihre Privatsphäre streng vertraulich
Hismith ist ein integriertes Unternehmen für Design, Entwicklung und Produktion. Wir konzentrieren uns auf das Design und die Produktion von High-End-Sexmaschinen.
Unser Ziel ist es, unseren Kunden dabei zu helfen, das ultimative Vergnügen im Privatleben zu erreichen. Unsere Geschäftsphilosophie ist Symbiose und Win-Win mit anderen Marken.
Material: 100 % hochwertiges medizinisches Silikon
Größe: Gesamtlänge: 24,63 cm
einführbare Länge: 19,81 cm
Gewicht: 700 gr
Farbe: Puder
1 x 24,63 cm Einführbare Länge Hyperrealistischer Silikondildo
1* Du solltest vor dem Spielen mit dem Dildo etwas Gleitmittel verwenden (Benutze besser ein Kondom).
2 * Bitte kein Gleitmittel auf Silikonbasis verwenden, das den Dildo beschädigen kann
3 * Bitte nach der Reinigung an der Luft trocknen, an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort ohne direkte Sonneneinstrahlung lagern
4 * Legen Sie niemals PVC-Spielzeuge mit diesem Silikondildo zusammen, sie werden eine chemische Reaktion hervorrufen und beide beschädigen.
Was ist das KlicLok-System?
--- Das KlicLok-System ist ein achteckiger Verbinder, der für Non-Spin-Thrusting ausgelegt ist. Stabiler als andere Verbindungssysteme, halten Sie die Befestigungen in Position, sagen Sie Nein zur Drehung.
--- Das KlicLok-System ist eine schnelle Kupplungslösung zum Anschließen und Lösen, die dem Benutzer hilft, die Anbauteile in kurzer Zeit, wirklich ungewöhnlich bequem und schnell auszutauschen
Spezifische Referenzen
Amazing machine, great power, easy to set up and use
Really fantastic product. Have only used a few times, will update if any issues.
Wife loves it
Wow does my wife love this addition to our sex life. She is multi orgasmic and this tool can satisfy that need in her and I love watching her enjoy it. Best money I've spent is awhile. Already ordered more accessories for it. BTW she even named it Antonio.
Best thing I've purchased all year.
This took a moment to set up, it came with a nice size toy which I didn't realize when purchasing...(bonus). I downloaded the app since it is Bluetooth connected I can give the controls to anyone in the world. It doesn't show you or let them hear you just them working the remote controls. The power cord has a control knob but the remote and the app are helpful. The app has things you can use for yourself preset routines that are tailored to the category of your choice like a*al training, rough s*x, or reading a book, you can make your own or self control it without the routines. I think you can even let others with machines control it can't remember. It takes a few tries to adjust it to where you are but after that you become a pro of moving it and knowing what you need. It takes seconds to maneuver. It can be intimidating to look at when you first get it but also empowers you! Learn yourself or watch others beg you to let them have the controls lol. This was suppose to be a private purchase but I couldn't help but tell those I was close to and then sharing with ladies in my fb pages who are lost and needing something that's been missing. There was an issue with a different part ordered but the company made it right and made me happy with only me asking a couple of questions. It was all quick, easy, and although I can't use what I picked since I only read part of the description not the size lol I can say I've seen two toys and they are very impressive, however the silicone for one split and it's never been used (yup I'm intimidated by that one). If the machine would just cook and clean I'd marry it tomorrow. So what are you waiting for... mines name is Geyser for a reason... go see Google image for it... *wink.
BEST machine I’ve ever found!!!
This machine is EXTRAORDINARY. It is weighty and feels firm and secure during use. For example the legs are solid bar stock. Not the flimsy hollow tubing others use. Very strong, I can use my largest Lampwick on it with no problem! Extremely quiet. Which is nice when you just want to be in the moment. It can go faster than most people can tolerate. So plenty of top end if needed. I wanted a long stroke length and this is perfect. The 6 inches allows nice feel penetration. I got the purple and it is sweet. Looks like anodized metal. Excellent color. Above and beyond: 1) Comes in an amazing multilevel storage/transport case. With foam inserts cut out to the shape of the machine and components. 2) Comes with all the wrenches for assembly. 3) The silicone dildo is high quality. I’ve never found a machine half as good as this one!
After a year… it’s a decent machine.
This is a really solid machine and very versatile. The toy it comes with is high quality and ready to mount. I’ve been generally very happy with it and I’ve put it through some… very demanding heavy-duty use. If you’ve got the budget and you’re into really big toys like me, you may want to go with one of the super high-end machines but you can definitely make this one work for you. Pros: Bluetooth/app control. The app has preset programs that other users have posted and… let’s say they’re attention-getting. Users can like/upvote programs they like and as a result, the best and most dynamic ones are at the top of the list. You can even do a remote session where you send somebody else a link to control the machine over the internet! Also, connection between the app on your device and the machine is quick and easy. *Mostly* solid construction: you can tell before you open the box there’s some serious hardware in here, stainless steel feet and legs and steel T-couplers between, quality pushrod and shaft, steel pillow bearing on the shaft. The aluminum is used in places where it probably shouldn’t but more on that later. Relatively easy assembly: it’s pretty intuitive if you’re even slightly mechanically inclined. Even if you’re not? You’ll be a pro by your second time putting it together. It’s not super convenient to break down and reassemble, but it’s nice to have the option if you want to take it along. Custom soft sided carrying case with cutouts for parts and assembly wrenches: a place for everything and everything in its place. Even the wrench supplied is a proper hardened 6mm CRV Allen wrench, not some cheap IKEA tool. Decent power: like I said, if you’re like me and you like BIG toys, you may have a challenge making this toy work for you. I find that after I’m warmed up, the power level is just fine. Actually, the machine has built-in thermal protection that will cause it to cut out intermittently if it gets overheated. The thing is, that only happens when it really gets going, so it leaves you hanging for a few seconds when you were about to say “uncle” anyway… then it picks right back up at the speed you were already at! So… flaw or feature; you tell me. ;) I’ve found that I can get it up to speed and find a sweet spot where it won’t stall until I start to… “push back,” shall we say. Then I’ve got about three seconds to chill and get back in that sweet spot position so it will keep chugging when it cuts back in without another stall out. Phew. Yeah, I really like that. A lot. Cons: The rotary arm is made of soft aluminum, which should not be used for mechanical parts. It wouldn’t be so bad but the screw holding it tight is threaded into the aluminum and mine has stripped out. The thing is nice and modular so I’m going to counterbore the threaded hole and add a washer and steel nut and longer screw to hold it together. We’ll see how that works. The legs and feet are round and smooth and slip around inside their fittings. This could have been avoided by adding a groove down the length of them or even grinding a texture into their surface. I’m going to try that second option when I do this little refurb I’m working on. The app could really benefit from a video chat feature to add to the remote control. Otherwise you have to add another device for communication if you’re on an iPhone. Android apparently doesn’t have this problem? Lastly, speaking of remotes, the little handheld wireless remote is easy to lose. Otherwise I could give a review of how it works. :( Would be nice if there were a little storage slot for it right on the machine.