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Justerbar Hastigheder Sex Machine Retractable Gun
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Ønsker til orgasme, "han" er nok! Sex i dybet, jeg laver beslutning. Thrust hastighed på 0-450 slag i minuttet,
denne hastighed er andre, ikke giver en sådan glæde er ubeskrivelig. Åbn hjertet af bundtet, og slip din
Pakken indeholdt:
1 x Sex Machine
1 x strømforsyning med Speed guvernør
1 x Forlænget Extension Rod
2 x Dildo (en Original og en anal dildo)
1 x Power Adapter (EU Plug, AU Plug, UK Plug, US Plug behøver ikke en stik)
Varm minde:
Dette udstyr før brug, skal du bruge 75% rengøringsmiddel krat desinfektion, og anvende en lille mængde af smøremiddel,
samarbejder med brug af kondom er bedre, oh. Fast chuck ned fire fødder er fastgjort i planet af bordet. Seng.
Fliser eller gulv efter strømforsyningen stikkontakten. Juster fast niveau om den positive og
negativ drejning to store skruer, kan køre frekvens justering rotation knap justere hastigheden på apparatet
ekspansion, selvfølgelig, også ønsker at se på deres eget hjem er placeret, parat til forrige, starte den glade
Note (Safety først)
Maskine til beskyttelse af menneskers krop, så med det i tankerne i designet. Stødt på i barer vil vælge
stoppede, da der er en stor modstand, kan det ikke ligesom enhver anden maskine på trods af al agitation, ligesom
dette vil gøre ondt at afdække hendes nøgenhed. Så når du er i processen med at bruge pludselig stoppede! ikke et
maskine er brudt, er maskine lancerede beskyttelsesforanstaltninger
(1) i maskinen hoved besmear mere smøreolie! Så vil maskinen ikke har mødt en masse modstand. Løb
mere jævnt!
(2) fra kroppen og holde det i!
(3) slukke for strømmen, åbne igen!
Dette productusing en customhard boardcartons, nofunpackagingrelatedwordsabove vil notdisclose anyproduct
Specifikke referencer
very efficient tool, adjustable speed by turning the knob, not bad. But on the other side, this should never be a substitute for a real man, foreplay, gentle touching. From my point of view, pretty good labour-saving device.
Very impressed
I would recommend this product to any of my lady friends. It is perfect and looks just like the pictures. It is a little noisy and it didn't come with directions on how to set it up but it was easy to figure out. I use it all the time and haven't had a problem with it.
The machine is easy to adjust and stays in place well
The set up is interesting, there is a main control box with a dial that goes from slow to fast, that dial connects to a cord for the socket, another to the machine. The machine is easy to adjust and stays in place well. This machine goes fast, very fast, and I always suggest using (water based) lubes with these kinds of toys, I got no slowdown unless there is real resistance (which is a good thing). Dildo is not very wide at all and not replaceable. That is somewhat sad. Length doesn't matter as much as width in my opinion. The dial is easy to use but adjust it slowly. Turning it more than 1/12 around sends it up like 10 speeds! I can't even handle the highest speeds, I turned it on when I was not in use and boy it can go fast. Make sure to be slow to reach that point or else that won't be fun. Suction cups actually fold down so the machine can suction to the ground. I don't see why that's necessary, the Machine is pretty heavy and won't budge, but I do like the option to have that control! The machine is really cute and has cute designs on the side, awe! Still not something you can display but it actually is a cute touch.