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Ultra-diskrétní balík, vyhnout se rozpakům
Unisex k použití - Tento stroj je k dispozici pro muže a ženy k použití
Ultra-diskrétní balíček - Chraňte své soukromí, vyhýbejte se embarssovým rozpakům
popis produktu
Tento úžasný sexuální stroj dodává nekonečnou zábavu vašemu času přehrávání. Vychutnejte si tuto jedinečnou hračku sami nebo s ostatními - stačí nainstalovat dildo nebo pohár a potom vypnout. Můžete nastavit intenzitu otáčení pomocí jednoduchého knoflíku. Můžete také nastavit úhel. Jednotka je kompaktní a lehká. Stroj má čtyři přísavky, které ho zajistí na hladký povrch. Připravte se na neuvěřitelné ruce! Mimochodem, nezapomeňte vstříknout vodu do základní základny v případě potřeby.
Napájení: 110V-250V 50-60HZ
Rychlost: 0-450 Times / Minute
Velikost balení: 11,8 * 7,1 * 6 palců
Tahová síla: 0-28 kg
Zadní a spodní část pohybu: 6,5 cm
Úhel nastavení: přibližně 85 stupňů
Velikost dildo: délka 7 palců, průměr 1,38 palců
Rozměry stroje: Přibližně: 14,6 * 7,1 * 5,9 palců
Materiál: Vysoce kvalitní ABS a lékařské TPR
Hmotnost: 6LBS
Obsah balení:
1 x Sex Machine
1 x napájecí zdroj
1 x Standard dildo (délka 18 cm, průměr 3,5 cm)
1 x prodlužovací trubka
7 x přídavný typ dildo
1 x napájecí adaptér
Nenechte dildo jít příliš hluboko, nebo se ho pokuste dostat, stáhněte ho zpátky, kdykoli se zastaví, zvedne znovu rychlost. Pro dezinfekci použijte 1% benzalkoniumbromidu nebo 75% alkoholu.
Specifické reference
Oh My Goodness! YES!!
WOW! I read and re-read all of the reviews on the product and put every claim and complaint to the test and here's what I figured out... I love this machine! The dildo isn't particularly thick (which was originally disappointing when I saw it) but the motion makes up for it. I inserted it (as far as it would go, of course), turned it on and immediately understood what people were talking about when they said it bogged down, but quickly figured out that you need to use LOTS of lube and to pull the machine back out a bit. Believe me, this doesn't affect the performance or the feel at all. Just spend some alone time with this machine and experiment and you will be able to figure out what works best for you. I didn't have any problems with the machine sliding around at all. There are suction cups which I folded down for support even though I have only used the machine on my bed (so far). You can control the speed with a hand held dial. There is a vibrator within the dildo that could be also be used. The machine is very compact and fairly lightweight. This machine costs about half the price of my favorite (or now formerly favorite) toy. I couldn't be happier with it's performance. It did exactly what I bought it for. Normally I would not brag about purchases like these to my friends, but I've told at least 2 of my friends that..."you've gotta get one of these"...and they have. They've actually told me that they love theirs as well (and we aren't the type to talk about these kind of things, lol). There is NOTHING wrong with this machine!! Maybe I'm just not a pro with these type of machines, but I can't think of a better "bang for my buck". This machine, while not warm and doesn't have arms and/or lips, also does not whine, complain or have any obnoxious expectations of me. Note: I received a slight discount to purchase this product in exchange for sharing my honest and unbiased opinion. I would never provide a false review
Wife absolutely loves this machine. She is sooooo hot watching her use this. It makes her really wet! ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!
works good.
Delivery was fast! Item was exactly as described and in new packaging.And it works soooooooooooooooooooooooooo well. I love it!
Five Stars
Great for centuries...