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Realistické Sex Láska Doll Masturbátor s Vagina Anální sex Doll pro muže
Full Silikonová Sex Doll, sex Prsa Doll
Vagina / Anus / Orální Masturbátor
realistické dojemné Feeling
Velikost:.. 65x25x15cm
Funkce: Orální / Vagina / Anus Sex Doll
Hmotnost: 13 kg / ks
Specifické reference
Made me a Happy Camper
Seeing her on the web site and seeing her in-person are two Different things.. The pictures on the web site do not do her justice, then you add in the realistic sight and feeling of her body to your touch and you will understand what I am saying!! Just using a small amount of Lube I have found give me the best results of feed back feelings that make up for the not as tight orifices that she has compared to other Love Doll that I Own, but don't get me wrong this is not a complaint..