Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns

      Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns

      Reviews (5)
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      Mini vibrační masér s 3 tahy a 10 frekvenčními vibračními vzorky, Hismith Nová G-spot hladká silikonová sexuální hračka s přísavkou pro páry a ženy

      Množství :
      • Secure online payment with Paypal and Credit/Debit Card.Secure online payment with Paypal and Credit/Debit Card.
      • World wide shipping from warehouses in the US and Europe.World wide shipping from warehouses in the US and Europe.
      • Completely discreet packaging. No sensitive content on boxes.Completely discreet packaging. No sensitive content on boxes.

      ATRAKTIVNÍ VLASTNOSTI: 3 režimy tahání a 10 frekvenčních vibračních vzorů, které vám umožňují pocit bezprecedentního sexuálního života a orgasmu. Navíc, přísavka umožňuje vibrátoru těsně vstřebat na hladkém povrchu pro bezstarostné potěšení. Splňte své potřeby.
      POWERFUL MOTOR: Vysoce výkonný, ale tichý, dlouhý výdrž baterie po dobu jedné hodiny, přináší silný pocit vzrušení. Zasloužíte si to zkusit.
      CONVENIENT: Nabíjecí USB pro pohodlné ovládání ekologické hry a je velmi snadné jej vyčistit.
      ÚPLNÁ BEZPEČNOST: Vysoce kvalitní silikonový lesk ABS, vynikající měkká a zcela bezpečná, realistická struktura, nabízí skutečné zážitky.
      DISKRÉTNÍ BALENÍ: Výrobky jsou diskrétně zabaleny, aby byl zajištěn Váš problém s ochranou osobních údajů při dodávání do vašeho domova. Nemusíte se obávat, že vaše rodina nebo přátelé budou mít možnost odhadnout, co je uvnitř vašeho soukromého a soukromého balíčku.


      Výkon motoru: 2W

      Frekvence: frekvence vibrací 10, 3 režimy pro tah

      Materiál: silikon + ABS

      Pracovní doba: 60min

      Vodotěsná funkce: Životní vodotěsnost

      Velikost: Délka 10.6 palců & Průměr 1.5 palců


      Silikonový vibrátor Hismith

      Jeden sucker

      Uživatelský manuál

      USB nabíjecí kabel


      Před použitím doporučujeme umýt jej.

      Nezapomeňte vypnout napájení po použití a okamžitě vyčistit. Umístěte jej do pouzdra a uložte jej na chladném a suchém místě.

      999 ks

      Specifické reference

      Verified Purchase
      Husband said it feels good

      My husband wanted to try this to spice things up together. He uses a lot of toys on me, and wanted something of his own to try. He liked it, altbough we've only gotten it out a few times.

        Verified Purchase

        My first "toy" so I really had no idea what to expect. I was instantly aroused after unboxing just by the sight of it! Just as other reviews stated, the paint job goes away very quickly and it's easy to overlube. The tunnels are scary realistic! Size could be a little bigger since I poke out the back hole but I'm very satisfied with this product. I suggest buyers to place a heating pad over it for about 15min or so before use to add to the realism. Someday I'll scrape a grand together and buy a full size doll!

          Verified Purchase
          nice paint fades quickly

          pretty amazing. But if you buy this particular item over others you have seen purely for the nice realistic paint job...be aware that the paint doesn't last long. It wears aware after a washing or two and soon looks like the other similar items out there that do not have the nice paint job

            Verified Purchase
            Will give you the ick if your skin is sensitive. ..

            Very good "supplement". However, it have me a rash.... it was mild at first, so I played with it the next day and the reaction got pretty nasty. I'm usually not allergic to anything so this was a bummer...of all things.... otherwise I have to say... I was really starting to enjoy it. May try a condom, but oh baby I like it raaawww!

              Verified Purchase
              buy it.

              Been thinking about buying a life size masturbator for a while. The price always turns me away, but this one is a good value. It only get used 1-2 a month only when the wife isn't in the mood. If you are on the upper end of average size it's going to be tight and you will probably stick out the top of the toy. Toy feels very good and easy to clean.

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                Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns
                Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns

                Hismith Mini G-spot Vibrator Massager with 3 Thrusting and 10 Frequency Vibration Patterns

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