Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv

      Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv

      Reviews (9)
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      Množství :
      • Secure online payment with Paypal and Credit/Debit Card.Secure online payment with Paypal and Credit/Debit Card.
      • World wide shipping from warehouses in the US and Europe.World wide shipping from warehouses in the US and Europe.
      • Completely discreet packaging. No sensitive content on boxes.Completely discreet packaging. No sensitive content on boxes.

      ➤ FLEXIBILNÍ TRUBKA PRO VESTAVU: CELKOVÁ DÉLKA: 21,08 cm, použitelná délka: 14,98 cm, maximální šířka: 4,49 cm, obvod: 14,12 cm
      ➤ NAVRHOVANÝ A VYROBENÝ HISMITHEM: Kompatibilní se všemi prémiovými sexuálními stroji, které využívají systém Kliclok
      ➤ VYSOKÁ KVALITA MATERIÁL: Vyrobeno z potravinářského silikonu pro dlouhou životnost a pevný, ale zároveň flexibilní pocit, bez obsahu ftalátů, bez latexu, bezpečné pro tělo
      ➤ NEPOROČNÍ MATERIÁL, JEDNODUCHÉ ČIŠTĚNÍ: s čisticím prostředkem na hračky nebo jemným mýdlem a teplou vodou nechte před uskladněním zcela uschnout na vzduchu.
      GU ZÁRUKA ZA POSKYTOVÁNÍ SLUŽEB: Hismith poskytuje jednoletou záruku, jakýkoli problém s kvalitou může být vrácen nebo nahrazen po kontaktování podpory Hismith
      Hismith je design, vývoj a výroba integrované společnosti. Zaměřujeme se na design a výrobu špičkových sexuálních strojů. Naším cílem je pomáhat našim zákazníkům při hledání maximálního potěšení v soukromém životě. Naše obchodní filozofie je symbióza a oboustranně výhodná u ostatních značek.

      Toto černé silikonové dildo je nově navrženo pro majitele sexuálních strojů Hismith. Vestavěná flexibilní trubka umožňuje majiteli upravit zakřivený úhel, pak může při pronikání přinést úplně jiný zážitek. Pokud chcete mít jinou sexuální cestu s jedním kohoutem, je to správná volba.

      Materiál: 100% silikon Premium
      Celková délka dilda: 21,08 cm
      Délka s možností vložení: 14,98 cm
      Průměr: 4,49 cm
      Čistá hmotnost dilda: 455g (1LBS)

      1 x Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo

      1 * Měli byste použít nějaké mazivo před hraním s mužským útočníkem (lepší použít kondom).
      2 * Nepoužívejte lubrikanty na bázi silikonu, které by mohly poškodit rukáv
      3 * Po čištění prosím osušte na vzduchu, skladujte na chladném a suchém místě mimo přímé sluneční světlo
      4 * Nikdy nedávejte silikonovou hračku z PVC do pouzdra, způsobí chemickou reakci a poškodí obě.

      Co je KlicLok systém
      --- Systém KlicLok je konektor s osmi čtverci, určený pro protlačování bez otáčení. Stabilnější než jiné systémy konektorů, udržujte příslušenství v poloze, řekněte ne rotaci.
      --- KlicLok System je rychlé připojení a uvolnění spojovacího řešení, které pomáhá uživateli vyměnit přílohy v krátkém čase, opravdu neobvyklé pohodlí a rychle

      PROHLÁŠENÍ: Všechny údaje o výrobcích jsou shromažďovány ručním měřením, pouze pro informaci! Kromě toho je tento produkt kompatibilní pouze s Hismith Premium Sex Machine s KlicLok System Love Machine. Pokud ji chcete použít na jiném stroji značky sex s jiným konektorem, obraťte se na podporu Hismith získat správný adaptér

      970 ks

      Specifické reference

      Ben Holmes2022-09-22
      Verified Purchase

      This covers all the troubles I've had so far during my sessions the adjustability is great, hits the perfect spot consistently The app is just the best, being able to put on a random program and not know what will happen to you is something I could never get from strenuous and tiring solo play. I used to have to stop sessions really early... I wanted more but I was so tired from manually working it I had to stop an hour in, but this allows me to stop when I want to instead of when I have to, which is just the best!

        SATISFIED CUSTOMER2020-07-01
        Verified Purchase
        Best machine on the market

        This is a great product! Here are the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision. Life as a independent product tester can sometimes be hard.... but in this case, it wasn't hard enough with one of the three dildos we purchased for testing. Costumer service is however, the best I've ever encountered. Swift reply, they resolved the issue with the dildo with erection difficulties (yes, that was an odd e-mail to send...) in less than 12 hours and just an overall great experience. To prevent you having this issue: Make sure you buy a firm dildo (like the pink one) if you're tight, to prevent the dildo from escaping, because some of them can bend when encountering resistance. This problem wasn't the case for the one that came with the machine though, and only for one out of four of the attachment, so don't let this put you off. Because if you do, you'll miss out on the best product in this price range on the market. The pros: It really works perfectly, and it's a life saver for people with disabilities. It's quiet and well designed and very versatile. Insane thrusting power. It's even easy to hide from the cleaner as it comes in a really handy case (good thing cause she's already been traumatized enough by other forgotten items). These folks will be getting our recommendations indefinitely, as this is clearly the best product out there. And yes, others have been tested, but no one lives up to this one. It even beats some of the really expensive ones. The machine itself struggles a bit with...tight openings, as it will move back a bit, but if you put something heavy at the base it won't move back at all. This is important, otherwise you'll spend two hours playing the chasing the dildo game. If you're petite with a really short vagina I can imagine that the range of motion will be a bit too much (use a firm dildo like the one that comes with and it won't be an issue since it's easy to adjust), but for 98% of women this will be appreciated. This is the only downside I can think of to this machine, but it's easily mended. All in all: A great buy.

        • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
        Verified Purchase
        Worth it

        Wife likes it. I like her liking it. Worth the money.

        • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.
        Verified Purchase
        Best decision made purchasing this product

        I have quite a few things to say and they are ALL positive. The setup was easy, packaging was discreet, and I’m very satisfied for what I paid for. I would highly recommend this machine. The directions were very easy to follow and i would def take a second to also look into Hismuths other products that are compatible with the machine

        • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
        Drian bridges2020-07-01
        Verified Purchase
        Awesome machine!

        Amazing machine! Wish we would have bought this years ago!

        • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.
        Verified Purchase
        Great Sex Machine

        Just got this machine and WOW played with it most of the night,WOW, used BIG TOYS and the power was there to thrust in & out, got over the edge many times & well ready for my well hung BF later on. After he enjoyed watching me go for another couple of rides and I did other things for him.

        • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
        Mike J.2020-07-01
        Verified Purchase
        Your going to call in sick to work

        hands down absolutely best sex toy I ever invested in. I've been very skeptical I've been searching online for a few months I finally took the risk because I've been spending well over $100 sometimes on dildos and still got to do the work NOT ANY MORE

        • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
        Verified Purchase
        I'm Totally Addicted!

        I've used dildo's for years and thought they could never get better. Boy was I wrong. I was first a skeptic, how good could these really be? After researching different machines I settle on this one. There are a few little quirks but once you work your way around them it's a fuck of a lifetime. I use a Jeff Stryker dildo. First session, 3 hours, multiple orgasms. Later that night, another 1 1/2 hours. Never came so hard in my life. Word of advice, find a really good lube!! I recommend a hybrid lube that is designed for fisting.

        • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
        Ray W2020-07-01
        Verified Purchase
        Great Product Worst Shipping

        The product is good quality and easy to assemble. How ever shipping is worse than Wish so if you are in a hurry to get it go somewhere else. I made several inquiries and was just given the run around.

        • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
        Write your review
        Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv
        Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv

        Hismith 21,08 cm flexibilní silikonové dildo pro Hismith Premium Sex Machine se systémem KlicLok, 14,98 cm použitelná délka, obv

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